Ann Romney Takes An Awful, Self-Pitying Tone When Asked About Those Killed In Action

Seriously, she makes us want to break things. Get over yourself and think about others for one itty bitty moment, Ann! WATCH:
Seriously, she makes us want to break things. Get over yourself and think about others for one itty bitty moment, Ann! WATCH:
When Clear Channel-owned billboards stating “Voter Fraud is a Felony” appeared in African-American and Latino neighborhoods in Cleveland, it was clear they were designed to intimidate minority voters from casting legal votes. In response, voting rights groups demanded that Clear Channel take them down immediately. Rashad Robinson of the organization Color of Change started a MoveOn Petition.
Let’s do it! (Also, Sarah Silverman calls in the “big guns.” But that’s not the only reason you should share this video.)
WOW: Romney’s got a REALLY bad case of Romnesia….
If you know anyone who might need to see this, please pass it along!
Why aren’t more people talking about this?
Watch and find out!
WOW: Romney’s got a REALLY bad case of Romnesia….
We’ve come too far to turn back.
This is the same man who wanted to let Detroit go bankrupt.