TISSUES, PLEASE! Harvey Milk’s Moving Speech Is Amazing To Listen To Repeatedly
This is one to share. We miss you, Harvey. WATCH:
This is one to share. We miss you, Harvey. WATCH:
The time to take action is now.
Thank you, unions.
The future is already looking brighter for American women.
Journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Thomas Ricks was brought on to talk Benghazi. His response caused the interview to be ended immediately.
The “voice of God,” marriage equality, and freedom. What more do you want?!
Neil DeGrasse Tyson just has a way of doing this with a smile. WATCH:
Let’s figure out ways they never have to leave in the first place.
The economist has spoken.
Tennessee tries to ban teachers from using the words “gay” or “homosexual.” Openly gay actor George Takei (Sulu, of the original “Star Trek” series) responds.