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VICTORY: Cooper Union Continues Full-Tuition Scholarships

Cooper Union has historically offered its students full-tuition scholarships. In the face of the financial crisis, however, the board of trustees was set to vote to discontinue the policy. MoveOn member and Cooper Union alumnus Henry Chapman created a MoveOn Petition to Cooper Union’s president, urging him to vote to keep the school’s foundational mission of free education.

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VICTORY: California Rejects Navy Sonar Training

The U.S. Navy was set to begin an explosives and sonar training program off the coast of Southern California in 2013. According to estimates, the use of high-frequency underwater sound for testing would deafen more than 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more over the next five years. So MoveOn member Linda Storey started a MoveOn Petition asking the Navy to stop the training program.

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