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125,000 MoveOn Members Sign to Uphold the Paris Agreement

In 2017, when Donald Trump first withdrew from the Paris Agreement, MoveOn member Pat M. started a MoveOn petition demanding that the United States reenter. Over 500,000 MoveOn members added their names, building the momentum that led President Biden to recommit the U.S. in 2021.

Now, Trump has once again pulled the U.S. out of the historic Paris Agreement—and more than 125,000 MoveOn members have made their voices heard in opposition, demonstrating that we won’t move backward on climate action.

The Paris Agreement represents a global promise by governments to fulfill their moral obligation by restoring and preserving our most foundational right—the right to a livable planet. As the leader of the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, Trump made a decision that struck a devastating blow to the global effort to protect future generations.

Every tenth of a degree of warming brings more and more dangerous outcomes, from hotter days to increased wildfire risks. Without immediate action to reduce emissions, millions will suffer, with the poorest nations bearing the heaviest burden.

Trump’s choice to abandon critical climate goals is an objectively reckless move that disavows our country’s moral responsibility to fight climate change. The U.S. can’t step back from climate progress—it’s common sense that tackling this crisis requires a globally united front.

There’s never been a more important time to come together and commit to advancing global climate justice. We can, and must, keep fighting.

Whether you want to display your commitment to climate action in your home or neighborhood, or at rallies and protests, we’ve got you covered. Download and print one of our climate action posters below.

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