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A Month Since Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s Plea

Calls for Mercy and Compassion Continue

It’s been just over a month since Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stepped up to her pulpit for the National Prayer Service, looked directly at President Trump and Vice President JD Vance, and issued a direct, earnest plea.

“I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared,” she said. “Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love and walk humbly with each other.” 

Her clear-eyed and heartfelt sermon served as a reminder to all Americans of our duty and responsibility not to any single president or administration but to each other—our neighbors, friends, and family. 

Bishop Budde’s sermon sparked broad support, with children sharing letters and drawings and videos of her speech going viral. More than 60,000 MoveOn members signed a petition thanking Bishop Budde for using her platform to challenge Trump and this administration to show mercy and humility—and urge other leaders to follow in her steps. 

Dozens also submitted words of encouragement and support:

“A plea for mercy is only an attack to someone who doesn’t plan to show any.” –Garie L.

“Biship Budde spoke truth to power. She set a beautiful example in a caring way for the hundreds of others who lack the courage.” –Cathy S. 

“Bishop Budde is courageous. She could have kept quiet, but she didn’t, she spoke truth. Trump is a bully who doesn’t understand truth, and he is propped up by other bullies and cowards who no longer represent what America stands for.” –Joan S. 

MoveOn partnered with Faithful America, the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for love and social justice, to do a joint petition delivery to the National Cathedral—sending more than 100,000 signatures collectively. And MoveOn members also participated virtually, posting on social media their support and appreciation. 

Bishop Budde’s courage is what we can and should expect from any community leader at this moment, as the Trump administration ramps up its cruel and harmful attacks.

These are dark times, but we can continue to amplify Bishop Budde’s calls for mercy in communities across the country. Download and print these posters to inspire compassion, care, and unity. 

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