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ICYMI: Green Groups Unite Behind Harris and Blast Jill Stein as a Climate Fraud

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action highlights the growing chorus of voices in the environmental movement that are uniting behind Vice President Kamala Harris and blasting Green Party candidate Jill Stein for being a climate fraud who is betraying progressive values. 

This week, several high-profile environmental organizations, including the League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, Sunrise Movement, NRDC Action Fund, and Friends of the Earth, penned an open letter to environmental advocates, urging them to back Vice President Harris, saying, “Harris is a climate and justice leader with two decades of public service on the frontlines of needed progress and change.”

In another letter, groups including the League Of Conservation Voters and Sierra Club Political Committee echoed similar sentiments, saying that Stein is working with Republicans to “distort the Harris climate record, focus on fracking, and turn off climate voters.” They also highlight how Stein has lied about the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest-ever investment in climate action and clean-energy deployment in history, which was passed by Harris’s tie-breaking vote in the Senate. 

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published an op-ed drawing a direct contrast between Vice President Harris and third-party pretenders when it comes to climate. Brionte McCorkle said, “Neither Stein nor West has any actual record of affecting meaningful progress on climate change that has impacted people’s lives over the last decade. That’s why there’s only one choice this November for anyone who cares about moving in the right direction on climate issues: Vote for Harris.”

“While Vice President Kamala Harris was busy racking up climate wins and passing historic legislation to boost clean energy and green jobs, Jill Stein was undercutting progressives and helping Donald Trump,” said Britt Jacovich, spokesperson for MoveOn Political Action. “Stein has no business calling herself a climate hero while willfully accepting help from the allies of the most anti-climate president of our lifetimes: Donald Trump. This election is between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and any vote for a third-party candidate makes it that much easier for Trump to carry out his pro-polluter Project 2025 agenda.”



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