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Roundup: Kennedy Jr. Campaign Hits New Lows as Trump Racks Up 34 Convictions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Amid the chaos of his failing campaign, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. keeps sinking lower and lower every day. Last night, following a jury’s decision to convict Donald Trump on 34 felony counts, Kennedy Jr. defended Trump’s criminality and attacked the justice system—proving once again that he and Trump are two sides of the same coin. 

Earlier in the week, Kennedy Jr. took a Trump-like stand defending the Confederacy and opposing the removal of Confederate statues, saying there were “heroes in the Confederacy who didn’t have slaves.” He then expressed admiration for Robert E. Lee, a known slave owner.

Of course, the week got off to a rocky start for Kennedy Jr. when he got a pathetic 2% of the vote at the Libertarian Party convention. Following that humiliating defeat, he’s now desperately attempting to sue his way onto the debate stage. Meanwhile, Kennedy Jr. continues to face grilling for his abortion flip-flops, his dangerous misinformation about vaccines, and his ties to major Trump donors. 

Here is a roundup of the latest chaos facing the Kennedy Jr. campaign: 

Additionally, MoveOn Political Action circulated a mobile billboard around last weekend’s Libertarian National Convention, as part of a grassroots push to let voters know that a vote for Kennedy Jr. is a vote for Trump. The mobile billboard featured messages including “Kennedy Jr. Supports Abortion Restrictions,” “He Can’t Worm His Way Out of This One,” “Exposing Kennedy Jr. for Who He Really Is,” and “Two Sides of the Same Extremist Coin.” You can view Getty images here


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