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What is Project 2025? The MAGA Agenda to Strip Away Our Freedoms

Key Takeaways:

  • Project 2025 is a blueprint for a second Trump administration to impose the MAGA agenda and take away our rights by gutting all checks and balances on the president.
  • The proposed policies would restrict our freedoms, calling for bans on abortion and contraceptives, eliminating all progress to stop climate change, gutting public education, and much more.
  • Project 2025 will trample the middle class and remove critical protections for LGBTQ+ people, women, religious minorities, and working people.
  • What can you do to stop Project 2025? We must all come together to defeat Trump and MAGA in November. Join MoveOn’s election program and be a Vote Mobilizer to help turn out voters!

Read more about Project 2025 below or watch a video about it from our Campaign Director, Kelsey.


If you’ve heard of Project 2025 and are deeply concerned and scared, you’re not alone. The 900-page document, led by the far-right Heritage Foundation and funded by dark-money billionaires in secret, outlines the MAGA plan to strip away our freedoms. From hugely expanding the powers of the presidency to eliminating the Department of Education, there are a lot of scary realities on the horizon if Donald Trump wins in November.

7 in 10 Americans have never heard of Project 2025. It’s up to us to spread the word about this dangerous plan and make sure our communities understand what is at stake this election. Having a Republican president, House, and Senate is essential for the Project 2025 plan to come to fruition, and together we can mobilize voters across the country to vote for Democrats, up and down the ballot. 

Here are a few of the proposed policies in Project 2025. 

Reproductive Rights

  • Eliminate any mention of abortion from government law, policies, and regulations, as well as reinstate the Comstock Act to ban and limit mail-order abortion medication.
  • Ban contraceptives. 
  • Penalize providers who perform reproductive health care practices and restructure Medicaid to avoid providing reproductive health care to those in need. 
  • Reverse Biden’s policy that allows abortion access to service members


Climate Change

  • Reduce funding to agencies that work on renewable energy. 
  • Reinstate Trump-era EPA provisions and investigate grants to ensure that organizations support the administration’s policy agenda. 
  • Reopen the Arctic for oil drilling and lease land in the western United States for coal mining



  • Dismantle the checks and balances for previously independent agencies, giving the president complete control over many agencies, such as the Department of Justice. 
  • Reinstate Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order allowing federal employees to be fireable at will, putting thousands of jobs at stake across the country and in our own backyards.
  • Prohibit the FBI from investigating anything that is against the national interest, which would likely include January 6 investigations.


LGBTQ+ rights

  • Remove terms related to gender and sexual identity from all federal rules, regulations, and legislation.
  • Outlaw transgender ideology and imprison those who produce and distribute materials discussing it. 
  • Stop all research relating to gender identity. 
  • Reverse the policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military



  • Restrict legal immigration to the United States by dismantling the DREAM Act and restricting the DACA program. 
  • Increase ICE’s operations, separating even more families and putting people in danger. 
  • Repeal all Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations, even from those who have been in the U.S. for decades



  • Eliminate federal education policies and the federal Department of Education.
  • Remove federal oversight for funds that provide support for low-income districts, effectively removing regulation and oversight from grants.
  • Eliminate any policies passed during the Obama administration that support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives



  • Remove the mention of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) from every piece of legislation that exists. 
  • Remove DEI from consideration in the military, because they believe it detracts from the army’s warfighting mission. 
  • Fire anyone in the Treasury Department involved in critical race theory or DEI initiatives


Take Action!

Become a Vote Mobilizer to help prevent Trump from winning a second term and to ensure Project 2025 doesn’t happen. 

You can make a difference in ensuring everyone has the right to make choices about their body, love whomever they want, identify however they want, and receive an education. 

Spread the word about Project 2025’s dangerous policies and share this blog post to your friends and families. 

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  1. “A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration,” Media Matters, March 20, 2024