Become a Vote Mobilizer
Vote Mobilizers are our election program leaders who will drive voter contact efforts in their area and across the country!
Join NowMoveOn members mounted a truly moving, inspiring, impressive effort to turn out voters and fight for our progressive values in the 2014 midterm elections.
Through our advanced voter contact program, volunteers made more than 6.75 million calls to voters—and thousands of progressives, many of whom had never volunteered before, took action together. We showed what we as a community can do.
Together, we helped progressive Senate champions Al Franken and Jeff Merkley win big victories. And voters approved ballot measures to raise the minimum wage in all four states where it was on the ballot; legalized marijuana in a number of places; and rejected measures that would have taken away a woman’s right to choose—even in states where they voted for a Republican senator.
And while Republicans took control of the Senate, we’re not giving up. We’re ready to fight. We built something real and powerful that didn’t disappear on Election Day, and we’re continuing to organize around a bold, progressive agenda to stand strong for what we believe in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. For your work you did during this midterm election, and for everything you’ll continue to do in the next two years and beyond.
Check out a summary of the work we did together: