Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionThere are millions of MoveOn members across the country, and for 17 years, we’ve seen the political, advocacy, and electoral impact of our collective actions and votes. Our decisions as consumers can make a real impact, too. Our individual buying choices as MoveOn members add up to a significant force for making America more progressive.
That’s why we’re experimenting with ways to connect MoveOn members with ethically aligned services that advance our overall mission of making the country better for everyone. This new effort will also raise funds to help make MoveOn Civic Action stronger, enabling us to do even more to fight for progressive change.
Solar Energy Partners. We have just started testing how MoveOn members can channel our buying power to make America better, and our initial trials involve partners whom we have vetted to ensure they are in sync with our mission. Since switching to renewable power is one of the very best things you can do quickly to protect the planet and combat global warming, we have selected as MoveOn Civic Action’s first partners the solar energy company Sungevity and Ethical Electric, which allows you to supply your home with 100% clean energy from wind and solar farms. For each member who signs up, MoveOn Civic Action will receive funds from these partners, which will support our progressive work.
We’ll always be transparent about how partnerships like this help our work. These tests are new to us, and we’d love to know what you think about MoveOn Civic Action initiating programs with companies aligned with our mission–please let us know by sending us an email at