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MoveOn.org Bars Petition Users From Promoting, Driving Traffic to WhiteHouse.Gov As Trump Signs Bill to Eliminate Browsing Privacy

WASHINGTON, DC — Hours after Donald Trump signed legislation that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to sell customers’ browsing data, a major blow to Americans’ freedom, MoveOn.org is announcing a change to its Terms of Service to bar MoveOn.org Petitions users from promoting petitions hosted on or driving traffic to the White House website during the current administration.

“Trump clearly isn’t interested in what Americans think unless they can afford to pay $200,000 to join his club,” said Maria Tchijov, Platform Director for MoveOn.org. “Within days of taking office, he shut down the White House comments phone line, and the largest petition in the history of the White House petitions site—calling on him to release his taxes—has been blatantly ignored. And now, he has signed a dangerous new law wiping away landmark privacy measures for Internet users by allowing Internet Service providers to sell user information, including Social Security Numbers, to the highest bidder.”

MoveOn.org Petitions supports tens of thousands of petitions started by individual MoveOn members and partner organizations—with millions of signatures collected—each year.


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