Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionOn July 1st, almost 10,000 Texans from all backgrounds rallied at the state Capitol in Austin to say they’ve had enough of the Republican war on women. And MoveOn members from across the state showed up in force!
One thing is clear after Sen. Wendy Davis’ heroic filibuster last week: Texans are done putting up with Republicans making health decisions for Texas women.
Here’s a quick recap of what’s happened in the last week, and where we can go from here:
So we have just over a week to raise our voices and let Texas Gov. Rick Perry know that this assault on women is unacceptable. We’re working with a broad coalition of organizations including Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Ultraviolet. Will you speak out today by submitting a letter to the editor of your local paper?
Click here to submit your letter.
Legislators on both sides will be in their home districts this week for the Fourth of July holiday, making it a perfect time to submit a letter to the editor. And speaking out makes a real difference. Here’s how Sen. Wendy Davis put it in her remarks to the crowd yesterday:
It was your voices—lent to me—that made it possible for me to stand those 13 hours.
If you’re outraged about this war on women’s health, then write your letter today. Together we can make sure that every legislator in Texas reads about it while they’re home this week—and thinks twice about their vote.