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The Tea Party Won’t Like This. Pass It On.

For the first time in history, the U.S. credit rating has been downgraded.

This “tea party downgrade” is a shameful blow to our nation’s honor and risks throwing us right back into recession. Worst of all? It was completely avoidable.

But when given the choice between extremist posturing and responsible leadership, tea party Republicans chose wrong. And now, amazingly, they’re trying to pin the blame on Democrats.1

We have to set the record straight. Can you share this image with your friends and family today?

John Boehner and the rest of the Republicans hurt our economy and the whole country needs to know it. To share this with your friends on Facebook or by email today, just click the buttons in the upper-right part of the screen.

Graphic created by volunteer editor Mark H.


1. “GOP 2012 Candidates Agree Obama Deserves The Blame For S&P Downgrade… But Disagree Over Why,” Talking Points Memo, August 6, 2011