Tag: Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, March 4 2011
After Wall Street ruined the global economy, it makes perfect, obvious, complete sense to ask our public-school teachers to be the ones to sacrifice. Not those poor, poor bankers.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, March 4 2011
Last night, Wisconsin State Rep. Nick Milroy (D) attempted to enter the Capitol building to pick up some clothes from his office. Here’s what happened:
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Civil Rights | Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, March 2 2011
Let’s face it: The Republicans have declared war on working families. As Kathleen Slamka, an electrician from Oak Creek, WI, says, “This is a battle we need to win.”
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, March 2 2011
Why does it seem like there’s always enough money to give more and more tax breaks to the richest people in America, but never enough money to support those who need it most: the unemployed, those struggling to put food on their tables, our children’s teachers. Could it be that the two are… gasp!… related?
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, March 2 2011
Yes, Wisconsin theater-nerd protesters: We do hear the people sing. And it sounds a thousand times better than another “Hey hey, ho ho” chant.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Sunday, February 27 2011
On Saturday, February 26th, Americans in all 50 states rallied to show solidarity with the people of Wisconsin, and to save the American Dream. It was a beautiful, powerful sight.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, February 25 2011
These are the workers of Wisconsin: A retired Army officer of 28 years, a lifelong conservative police officer who has finally lost faith in the GOP, a teacher trying to avoid foreclosure. These are the stories we’ll take with us into .
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, February 23 2011
You have to hear this: A blogger impersonating Tea Party billionaire David Koch called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and got him to reveal his secret plan to lure Democrats back to the state. Phenomenal. Check it out:
Second video after the jump.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, February 21 2011
The revolution will be posted to Vimeo. A moving look at the first few days of protesting in Madison, WI, set to Arcade Fire’s “Rebellion (Lies).” Bet you can’t watch without tearing up.
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Economic Justice