They Want To Pay More Taxes?
These patriotic millionaires fight back against tax cuts for, um, themselves.
These patriotic millionaires fight back against tax cuts for, um, themselves.
ExxonMobil recently became the most profitable Fortune 500 company for the eighth year in a row. So why is the Ryan budget giving $40 million in taxpayer subsidies to the oil industry?
Why does our government give huge benefits to the rich, and little relief to anyone else?
The continuing fight over the national debt limit—which has boiled down to a GOP push to cut taxes for the rich while slashing Medicare and government spending for everyone else—makes this outrageous animation adapted from Al Franken’s Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, book feel quite fresh.
Not if they’re poor.
It’s not pretty.
We are so glad that Bill has leant himself to this very important cause.
That’s why Republican Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) shut down this Jonesboro town hall.
In just one year’s time, a CEO averages $11,000,000, while a Navy SEAL brings in only $54,000.
There’s nothing like a child’s point of view to help adults understand reality. Watch it: