Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionMoveOn: Republicans Are Defying Constituents by Moving One Step Closer to Trumpcare; Fight is Far From Over
Moments ago, the Senate voted to proceed to consider legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away health care from tens of millions of Americans. With the passage of this procedural vote, the repeal legislation will now move onto debate and amendments.
In reaction to this news, Anna Galland, Executive Director of Civic Action, released the following statement:
“Today, Republicans in the Senate have chosen to defy their constituents and the overwhelming majority of Americans and moved us one step closer towards taking a wrecking ball to health care in this country. Republican bills reportedly under consideration are wildly unpopular, cruel, and incoherent, and would cause as many as 32 million Americans to lose their health insurance, make health care unaffordable to all but the wealthiest in this country, and dismantle protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
“Since January, MoveOn members have been fighting the Trump administration’s repeal efforts and working to protect health care in this country—and we will continue to go all in to make sure this latest assault on health care coverage fails.
“To the Republican senators who cast their vote to move Trumpcare closer to reality, it’s not too late to vote against final passage, and resist the attempt to strip away health care for tens of millions of Americans.”