Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionIlya Sheyman, executive director of Political Action, had the following response to Bernie Sanders’ win in the Indiana Democratic Primary this evening:
Tonight’s victory for Bernie Sanders provides more evidence that his ideas are the future of the Democratic Party.
If Democrats want to ensure victory in November it’s imperative that they embrace Bernie Sanders’ ideas such as a $15 minimum wage, debt-free college, banning fracking, and rejecting trade deals that have devastated communities in Indiana and across the country. Voters should have no question about which party stands with the poor and working class and which one stands with the billionaires.
With each victory, Sanders’ political revolution is forging a Democratic Party that is stronger and more engaged than ever before. The movement that Bernie has ignited is continuing to catch fire.