Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionWisconsin State Senator Randy Hopper sure thinks he’s one sexy guy.
First he got caught living out-of-district with his 26-year-old mistress.
And that mistress, who works for the Wisconsin government as a communications specialist, was mysteriously receiving a salary that was 35% higher than her predecessor’s. Hot.
Then a strange toll-free number showed up on Hopper’s quarterly newsletter to constituents. The number, 1-888-736-8729, directs callers to 1-800-475-TALK, a hotline where guys in a hard spot pay to talk with “students, housewives, and working girls.”
Wow. Just wow.
At least Wisconsin’s Democratic Party chairman, Mike Tate, has a sense of humor about the whole thing:
Randy Hopper won’t listen to his constituents and stand up to Scott Walker, so apparently he is sending his constituents someplace where the chat lines are still open.
Here’s to your impending recall, Randy.
Originally submitted by volunteer editor Brandon W. Found on Teamster Nation. Feature photo found on Teamster Nation.