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Project 2025: The Plan No One Asked For and We Must Defeat

Project 2025 was a major topic at last week’s Democratic National Convention. Speaker after speaker exposed what’s in the far-right agenda for a second Trump administration: abortion bans, legalized discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, raising taxes on working families, a path for Trump to become a dictator, and more.

In his electric speech, Governor Tim Walz said, “Project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people just trying to live their lives, and that it “serves nobody except the richest and the most extreme amongst us.” And that’s exactly what it does.

MoveOn has been working for months to expose the dangers of Project 2025 to make sure we all know what’s at stake this election and it’s working. Research shows that when people hear about Project 2025, they reject it, and Trump’s favorability decreases. So, it’s up to us to continue spreading the word about this dangerous, weird plan.

Will you watch and share this new video featuring everyone’s favorite former labor secretary Robert Reich, explaining what Project 2025 is? Pick your preferred social media platform to watch and share with your family and friends below!

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It’s clear from her record that Kamala Harris is committed to working for the people. And Trump has proven time and time again that he’s just looking out for himself and the ultra-wealthy. While Donald Trump was cozying up to Wall Street, Kamala Harris was taking on the Big Banks. And while Kamala Harris took on Big Pharma to keep out of pocket prescription costs low, Donald Trump threatened to cut Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. While Kamala Harris has worked to expand and strengthen voting rights, Donald Trump incited an insurrection to overturn the will of the people.

With policies focused on lowering the costs of food, housing, health care, and child care, a Harris-Walz administration would create an “opportunity economy” that could transform our country and the lives of millions of families. A Trump presidency, dedicated to enacting a dangerous Project 2025 agenda, on the other hand? That would only drag us backward. It’s time to turn the page and write the next chapter in our nation’s history.

Watch and share this video with Robert Reich about the dangers of Project 2025. It’s critically important that we continue exposing Trump’s Project 2025 and tell people about Vice President Harris as the antidote to expanding our freedoms and democracy. 

How to stop Project 2025? Get involved!

Project 2025 is the blueprint for the next conservative leader and actively strips away Americans’ freedoms. The best way to stop Project 2025? Beat Trump at the ballot box this November.

MoveOn has tons of ways for you to get involved to help make VP Kamala Harris the next president of the United States.

Become a Vote Mobilizer. Vote Mobilizers are leaders in our election program efforts. Here’s what you’ll do:

  • Learn how to have persuasive conversations with voters
  • Attend monthly election parties to write postcards and make phone calls to voters
  • Make lifelong friends and win prizes

You can also connect with us on our social media and through our text messages.

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