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Leave a legacy with a

As a MoveOn member and supporter, you are part of the movement to create a bold, more equitable future for America. By supporting MoveOn through a planned gift, you will make a lasting impact on generations to come. 

Below are resources to support MoveOn by directing a gift in your will or living trust. Bequests may be in the form of cash, securities, real estate, retirement assets, or life insurance policies.

Create a plan for the future with

MoveOn has partnered with FreeWill, an online service that empowers people to create wills, to make it 100%-free for you to secure your vision for the future. With FreeWill, it’s easy to to create a lasting legacy with the organizations you care most about.

Hundreds of MoveOn members like you have already created legacy gifts and committed to sustaining MoveOn for future generations. Will you join them?

Sample Language:

I hereby give [$___/___% of the residue of my estate/the residue of my estate] to MoveOn.org Civic Action, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, for its general purposes.

Organization, Address, and Tax ID

Organization Name:   
MoveOn Civic Action

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 96141, Washington, DC 20090-6141


Have a question? Have you already named MoveOn in your plans?

Let us know or reach out with any questions.