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MoveOn: Re-Inventing People-Powered Politics

MoveOn’s petition website was built to provide individuals and organizations with the tools to start and win their own grassroots campaigns.

How our Petition Website Works

We empower regular folks to become campaign leaders. You shouldn’t need a Super PAC to have the power to change your community. We provide individuals with the tools needed to become effective advocates for their causes.

We believe in progressive political change. Many of our biggest petitions are about finding ways to fix our broken system: passing progressive laws, checking the power of corporate lobbyists, and holding politicians accountable. From city councils to state legislatures to Congress, MoveOn petition creators are helping build a society that works for everyone.

We connect MoveOn members directly with the hottest petitions. With more than 8 million members, MoveOn provides start-up campaigns with a critical boost of grassroots support, and our tools allow you to send unlimited, free email updates to all your petition signers.

We connect petition signers directly to their elected officials. We’ve developed a system of real-time electronic petition delivery to ensure that people’s voices get through in the corridors of power, and that elected officials can respond directly to their constituents via our email system. Hundreds of elected officials at the state, local, and national levels have communicated with their constituents via MoveOn’s tools.

We’re nonprofit, and we can’t be bought. We never promote petitions because someone paid us to—we only promote the petitions that MoveOn members support. Our system works because we have a tiny staff and incredibly low overhead.

We respect privacy. Period. We’ll never, ever sell your email address to anyone ever.

Who’s Using MoveOn’s Petition Website?

Since our launch in early 2011, tens of thousands of petitions have been started on MoveOn’s petition website, garnering millions of signatures. Most petition creators are regular people who want to make their voices heard. Also, progressive state legislators and organizations such as Progress Now, Ultraviolet, Faithful America, the AFL-CIO, Free Speech for People, Social Security Works, Working Families Party, Color of Change, and the Organic Consumers Association have used MoveOn’s petition website to give their campaigns a major grassroots boost. Click here to read about some of our best success stories.

Just a heads up!

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.

Just a heads up!

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.