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Rep. Nunes steps down in response to MoveOn’s & other ethics complaints

Statement from Jo Comerford, campaign director for MoveOn.org Civic Action, in response to Rep. Devin Nunes stepping aside from his role leading the House Intelligence Committee investigation after MoveOn.org and other public interest groups filed federal ethics complaints and after the committee opened an investigation into his actions:

“Devin Nunes’ decision to step aside from leading the House Intelligence probe into Donald Trump’s entanglements with Russia is another important step forward for the rule of law and is a people-powered victory for the resistance—but it does not go far enough.

“Amid the near-constant drumbeat of news related to the Trump/Russia scandal, Congress must create a special, independent commission to lead an investigation, and the administration should appoint a special prosecutor charged with getting at the truth about Trump and his associates’ possible collusion with Russia.

“In announcing his resignation, Nunes claimed that ‘false’ ethics complaints filed by public interest groups were the reason he is stepping down. But in doing so, Nunes failed to rebut any of the allegations or dispute any of the facts included in those complaints, including the complaint filed by MoveOn, which raises real and serious concerns about potential violations of law by Nunes.

“We will hold other Republicans who attempt to thwart real, independent investigations accountable. In the days ahead, MoveOn will launch a public tracking site for every House Republican who is voting to hide the the truth about Trump and his associates’ ties to Russia from the American people.”


The public outcry from MoveOn members prompted the organization to file a federal complaint against Nunes with the House Ethics Office, accusing him of violating the Espionage Act through an “unauthorized disclosure of classified information for blatantly political purposes.” Nunes’ statement announcing his resignation from leadership of the investigation indicated that his resignation was in part a response to this ethics complaint.

More: MoveOn.org Files Federal Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Nunes for Violating Espionage Act, House Rules

More than 240,000 MoveOn members signed a petition to House Speaker Paul Ryan demanding that Nunes be removed from the House Intelligence committee for his untrustworthy and clearly partisan handling of the investigation into charges that Trump and his associates colluded with Russia to sabotage the November election.

Petition: Remove Rep. Devin Nunes from the House Intelligence Committee

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