Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionMoveOn: Nunes’ unauthorized disclosure of classified information for ‘blatantly political purposes’ … ’implicates the integrity of the House’ and its role in oversight. Congress must stop all business and focus on the creation of an independent commission and the appointment of a special prosecutor.
** Link: Read the full complaint here.
WASHINGTON, DC — Civic Action today filed a federal ethics complaint with the U.S. House of Representatives’ Office of Congressional Ethics against Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) for “violating the Espionage Act and the Rules of the House by disclosing classified information without the authorization required by House Rules or any other proper authorization.”
The complaint is in response to Nunes’ continued efforts to bolster Donald Trump’s claims that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, a baseless claim that has been discredited by FBI Director James Comey.
Nunes, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, also briefed the Trump White House on a pending FBI investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, and acknowledged this week that he was on the White House grounds hours before holding a press conference to advance the discredited wiretapping claims. Nunes also neglected to share information with his committee before sharing with the White House and media.
** Read the full complaint here: **
“The disclosure of this information by Chairman Nunes was evidently intended to try to lend some credence to President Trump’ claims that former President Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped—claims that have been repeatedly been shown to be absolutely baseless, as confirmed by FBI Director Comey in his testimony before Chairman Nunes’ own committee,” the complaint reads. “In his quest to assist President Trump politically, however, it appears that Chairman Nunes has committed serious violations of law and House Rules.”
The complaint is signed by Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland and was filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics on Tuesday, March 28, 2017.
A petition calling on House leadership to remove Rep. Nunes from his chairship of the House Intelligence Committee has more than 140,000 signatures since its launch last night.
“Devin Nunes’ reckless and clearly partisan actions prove he lacks the judgment and independence to oversee an investigation into possible collusion between Donald Trump and his associates with the government of Russia—and underscore why an independent commission and special prosecutor are so desperately needed,” said Campaign Director Jo Comerford. “Congress must stop all business and focus on the creation of an independent commission and the appointment of a special prosecutor or the American people will never be able to trust that the Trump campaign did not in engage illegal collusion with a foreign government to sabotage a U.S. election.”