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NEW: MoveOn Launches Elon Musk Accountability Billboard Campaign Questioning Who Is Really President

Billboards will be seen near Mar-a-Lago and across key congressional districts

WASHINGTONIn conjunction with its nationwide “Congress Works for Us, Not Musk” mobilization, MoveOn Civic Action today unveiled a series of high-profile billboards designed to shine a spotlight on the growing influence of billionaire Elon Musk over government institutions and over President Donald Trump. One set of billboards, strategically placed near Mar-a-Lago, feature messaging aimed at calling out Musk’s puppet-like control over Trump, with the question: “Who’s the Boss?” The billboards launched February 18 and will run for a month.

Also launching this week are eye-catching mobile and static digital billboards that are part of MoveOn’s larger push to hold lawmakers accountable during the February congressional recess. The billboards will be seen in key districts represented by Republicans whose votes will be crucial in opposing harmful policies backed by Musk and Trump–including AZ-01, CA-41, CA-22, CO-08, and PA-07.

“Constituents want lawmakers to have an answer for why the richest man in the world gets to cut their benefits to make himself even richer. Trump has given Musk the green light to cut Social Security, cancer research, and health care, all to make way for trillions in tax cuts for himself and other billionaires,” said MoveOn spokesperson Britt Jacovich.

The billboards in these districts will echo the messaging from MoveOn’s recess actions, which demand answers from lawmakers about their stance on billionaire tax breaks, funding cuts that impact their constituents, and their support for Musk’s reckless agenda.


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