Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionStatement from Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action on Rep. Tom Price’s nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services:
“Rep. Tom Price is wholly unqualified to serve as Secretary for Health and Human Services and the Senate should reject his nomination.
“Price has a clear, extreme agenda of ending Medicare, gutting Medicaid, defunding Planned Parenthood, and revoking healthcare access for more than 20 million Americans. Price’s plan to dismantle our healthcare system — the so-called Empowering Patients First Act — isn’t a healthcare plan at all, but rather a transparent effort to provide tax breaks to the wealthy by punishing the sick, repealing Medicaid expansion, increasing insurance rates on the elderly and allowing insurance providers to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.
“Moreover, Price’s questionable judgment makes it clear that he isn’t fit to serve in one of our nation’s most important roles. Price has associated himself with, and publicly praised, radical organizations that promote anti-science views and blatantly false claims, including that HIV does not cause AIDS and that abortion has a direct link to breast cancer. Price’s poor judgment extends beyond just supporting scientifically-inaccurate information; Price also has serious ethical issues — engaging in insider trading of stocks currently facing Congressional legislation.
“Rep. Tom Price is simply too extreme for America and the U.S. Senate should reject his nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services.”
Since being selected by President-Elect Trump to be nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services, nearly 50,000 people have signed onto a petition calling on the Senate to reject his nomination.