Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionKarine Jean-Pierre, national spokesperson and senior advisor for Political Action, had the following response to Donald Trump’s speech today:
“As the Orlando community transcends sexual orientation, race, and religion to unite and grieve together, Donald Trump is attempting what yesterday’s assailant couldn’t achieve: to divide Americans and turn our communities against each other. MoveOn members stand with the people of Orlando and with the LGBTQ, Latino, and Muslim communities, and against Donald Trump’s crass effort to exploit this attack to divide people for political gain.
“Donald Trump’s racist, bigoted, and dishonest speech today shows – without the shadow of a doubt – that he is unqualified to serve as our commander in chief and that his approach would divide and weaken our country. In the wake of this tragic attack on the Latino and LGBTQ communities, we are committed to uniting as a diverse, inclusive America. Shame on Donald Trump for continuing to trumpet vile, hateful rhetoric in the wake of this tragedy. We will not allow him to divide us.”