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MoveOn Statement on Deal to End the Government Shutdown with No Wall

“Congress must not give into Trump’s demand for increased funding for a wall, his deportation machine, or border militarization in the next round of this fight”

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, Donald Trump announced a deal with Congress to end the government shutdown and reopen the federal government for three weeks with no funding for Trump’s wall.

Statement from Emma Einhorn, Campaign Director for MoveOn:

“This prolonged 35-day government shutdown should have never happened. Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress kept the American people hostage to try to bully us into accepting a hateful and wasteful border wall, but he lost. For now.

“We are glad to see this government shutdown come to an end—it is good that federal workers will be going back to work serving the public, getting paid, and getting the relief that they so desperately need.

“To be clear: the only crisis on the US-Mexico border is the crisis of the Trump Administration’s cruel policies towards families and children seeking asylum—ripping kids from their parents, locking them in jails, criminalizing the legal right to seek asylum, and tear-gassing women and children.

“The refusal of congressional Republicans to stand up to Trump’s tantrum for more than a month enabled and extended the Trump Shutdown and kept the paychecks of almost a million federal workers and contractors hostage. Shame on the Republicans in the Senate and House who opposed reopening the government this long.

“We thank congressional Democrats who, buoyed by a big win in November and strengthened by burgeoning grassroots uproar against Trump’s racist agenda, have thus far stood strong against Trump’s wall. They must continue to refuse to indulge Trump’s temper tantrums, conspiracy theories, and outright racism, and must remain focused on protecting Dreamers, people with Temporary Protective Status, asylum-seekers, and all of the immigrants and communities who continue to be under attack from the Trump Administration. Congress must not give into Trump’s demand for increased funding for a wall, his deportation machine, or border militarization in the next round of this fight.

“Hundreds of thousands of MoveOn members have taken action to demand that Congress and Trump shut down the wall and reopen the government. We will continue to fight to ensure Democrats stand strong against Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.“

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