Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland had the following statement today in response to news that Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski will support the historic nuclear deal with Iran, meaning 34 senators—enough to prevent a veto override—now support the deal:
“Diplomacy won big today, but our fight is not over. Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s careful examination of the diplomatic agreement with Iran has led her to declare her support for the deal, bringing the total number of U.S. senators standing for diplomacy over war to 34 — the number required to sustain a presidential veto should Republicans continue to work to sabotage principled efforts to resolve a long-standing conflict without resorting to military force.
“The fact that 34 senators have now come out in support is a testament both to the merits of the agreement as well as to pro-deal activists’ powerful nationwide grassroots organizing. Progressives have been organizing against wars of choice ever since the rush to war in Iraq. We helped hold space for negotiations with Iran in recent years. And thousands of us have been out in force across the country making our voices heard this August recess.
“It’s time for the remaining undecided Democrats in the House and Senate to join with President Obama, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to support diplomacy over war. Doing so would save our nation precious time and resources in what is sure to be a post-Labor Day circus featuring war hawks like Sen. Tom Cotton, Donald Trump, Dick Cheney, and Ted Cruz trying to sabotage diplomacy.”