Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionMoments ago, the Senate voted down a health care bill that would have taken away health insurance from 16 million Americans, raised premiums, reduced the quality of coverage, and de-funded Planned Parenthood.
In reaction to this news, Anna Galland, executive director of, released the following statement:
“Tonight’s defeat of this bill in the Senate is a huge relief for all Americans, including the 16 million whose coverage it would have eliminated and the millions who rely on Planned Parenthood. The bill would have left those with employer-based and private insurance with higher premiums, while quality of care declined.
“We thank all of the Senators who voted against this law, including every Democratic senator as well as Senators Collins, McCain, and Murkowski, who crossed party lines to do what was right for their constituents.
“If millions of Americans had not raised their voices at town hall meetings, made phone calls to their senators, posted on social media, and resisted in other ways, this bill might already be law. But we know this fight is not over: the threat of repeal remains real. Republicans in Congress will not give up. Neither can we. MoveOn members will remain vigilant and prepared to mobilize at a moment’s notice if it appears Congress is attempting to advance a new bill.”
More than 100,000 MoveOn members called their senators to express opposition to the bill this week, and this evening, MoveOn organized a protest outside of the Capitol building that could be heard from within the Senate chamber. For months, MoveOn members have made mobilizing to stop health care repeal their top priority.