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There are more than 150,000 MoveOn members in Cook County.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Cook County members of Political Action have voted decisively to endorse Kim Foxx in the Cook County State’s Attorney contest, with 78% of votes cast in favor of backing Foxx.
Foxx’s opponents Donna More and Anita Alvarez received 11% and 14% of votes, respectively. MoveOn has more than 150,000 members in Cook County.
“The decades-long injustice and corruption in the Cook County criminal justice system have been put on vivid display these last few weeks when a judge ordered the release of the video showing Laquan McDonald being shot 16 times by a Chicago police officer,” said Ilya Sheyman, Executive Director of MoveOn Political Action. “Anita Alvarez’s actions in that case have lost her the confidence of Cook County voters. Kim Foxx has the right experience and ideas to reform Cook County’s broken criminal justice system, and it’s no surprise that she has earned the overwhelming support from Cook County MoveOn members.”
Here’s what Kim Foxx had to say about the endorsement:
“This campaign is powered by grassroots organizing and a deep commitment to real reform and accountability in our criminal justice system in this critical moment in our County’s history. Those are values we share with the 150,000 members of MoveOn in Cook County, who organize in their own communities for fairness and equity. I’m proud to stand with them.” –Kim Foxx
Here’s what a few MoveOn members in Cook County had to say about Foxx:
“Kim Foxx has the experience and integrity to bring the needed change to the office. The office is sorely in need of a significant change and needs to restore confidence in the State’s Attorney’s office. Kim Foxx is the only candidate I believe can effect the change needed.” –Elizabeth M. from Chicago
“Experienced, compassionate, progressive. Foxx has pledged to transform the system Alvarez has maintained for years.” –Elliot Z. from Evanston
“Coming from a Latino voter there is absolutely no reason to support Alvarez. Foxx is the clear progressive alternative who has worked to reform Cook County government and the criminal justice system. Foxx should be endorsed.” –Michael R. from Chicago
“As a Chicago-area attorney who has practiced law for over 20 years, I’m confident that Kim Foxx will bring increased integrity to the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office.” –Khadija H. from Forest Park
Earlier this year, MoveOn members in Chicago endorsed progressive candidate Jesús “Chuy” García in the city’s mayoral race. The endorsement also comes weeks after MoveOn members in Illinois voted to endorse Rep. Tammy Duckworth in the state’s U.S. Senate race.
In the 2014 election cycle, MoveOn members made over 6.7 million phone calls for endorsed candidates. MoveOn members have also raised millions of dollars—including more than $1 million for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Senate race in Massachusetts in 2012—mobilized volunteers, and run ads in support of endorsed candidates across the country. Political Action represents the collective will of MoveOn’s more than 8 million members at the ballot box by helping to elect progressive candidates.