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Sign this Petition** 96% of Votes Cast by MoveOn Members in New York’s 10th District to Endorse Jerry Nadler for Congress before Democratic Primary this Tuesday **
NEW YORK — New York members of Political Action have voted to endorse progressive champion Rep. Jerry Nadler for re-election in the U.S. House race in the state’s 10th District with 96% of votes cast in favor of backing Nadler.
Nadler faces fellow Democratic candidate Oliver Rosenberg in a primary on Tuesday. Rosenberg, who received 4% of votes, changed his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat just four years ago and has been attacking Nadler relentlessly over his support for diplomacy over war.
Rep. Nadler won the support of MoveOn members for standing strong for diplomacy over war, and fighting for civil rights, and economic and social justice. Last summer, Rep. Nadler courageously chose diplomacy over war by supporting President Obama’s historic diplomatic agreement to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. And in 2002, Rep. Nadler also courageously voted against authorizing war in Iraq.
“Jerry Nadler stood up when it mattered most to fight for diplomacy over war,” said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of Political Action. “He voted against George Bush’s war in Iraq in 2002, and last year courageously stood with President Obama and helped stop a war with Iran. We are eternally grateful for his courage and conviction, and MoveOn members are very proud today to endorse Jerry Nadler for re-election.”
Rep. Nadler is a progressive champion who’s been on the front lines of countless fights for LGBT rights, women’s rights, and racial justice, and he’s a leader in working to improve New York City’s infrastructure and in the national fight for mass transit.
MoveOn has more than 32,000 members in New York’s 10th District.
Here’s what a few MoveOn members in the district had to say about Nadler:
“I will never forget the night I heard Jerry Nadler speak shortly after 9/11 while Congress debated the Patriot Act. He was courageous then in telling us how dangerous it was, and he’s remained courageous. His opponent is taking advantage of his vote in favor of the anti-nuke agreement with Iran. … Not to endorse Nadler would be a mistake.”
—Carolyn J. from New York, NY
“He has always been right on the issues and there for his constituents. He is being opposed because he took a principled stand on the Iran deal, for which he should be applauded.”
—Maxine P. from New York, NY
“Jerry is a consistent, strong progressive who stands up for things that are important and works to build enduring solutions.” —Steven S. from New York, NY
“I am honored to be representing this district, and incredibly proud of the work we have done in Congress on behalf of all New Yorkers,” said Congressman Jerry Nadler in response to the endorsement. “From championing progressive causes that advance economic and social justice, standing up to the special interests as an advocate for gun control, securing federal funding for MTA and 9-11 health and compensation, being one of only a few New York Members to oppose the Iraq war and vote against the PATRIOT Act, supporting women’s health and pro-choice legislation in Congress, and being an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights and equality, I believe in the work we have done and in the importance of standing up for what is right. I hope everyone will remember to vote in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, and thank you for your support.”
This cycle, MoveOn members have also endorsed Senate candidates Russ Feingold (Wisconsin), Tammy Duckworth (Illinois), and Ted Strickland (Ohio); House candidates Mike Honda (California 17th), Pramila Jayapal (Washington 7th), and Zephyr Teachout (New York 19th); and Kim Foxx for Cook County State’s Attorney (Illinois).
In the 2014 election cycle, MoveOn members made over 6.7 million phone calls for endorsed candidates. MoveOn members have also raised millions of dollars—including more than $1 million for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Senate race in Massachusetts in 2012 and more than $1.2 million for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2016—mobilized volunteers, and run ads in support of endorsed candidates across the country. Political Action represents the collective will of MoveOn’s members at the ballot box by helping to elect progressive candidates.