Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionJust over two months ago, MoveOn members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. Since then this revolutionary campaign has accomplished more than anyone predicted—as The New York Times just reported yesterday, Bernie has a real pathway to victory, a sign of the momentum that has catapulted a long-shot candidate into a serious contender.
After this past Tuesday, just over half of the states have voted. Here’s what MoveOn members have done so far to help power this incredible campaign:
And we’re just getting started! While some want to prematurely declare this campaign over, the math shows that Bernie still has a path to victory. MoveOn members are ready to keep fighting for every vote until the nomination is decided.
Look at some of what he’s accomplished in the 10 weeks since MoveOn endorsed his campaign and the primary season began in earnest:
And he’s doing this because of all of us—the millions of Americans who have stood up to be counted, dug deep to donate, knocked on doors to connect with neighbors, and picked up the phone to be heard by fellow voters.
The contested primary is engaging millions of new voters and activists, making whoever is the eventual Democratic nominee better prepared to defeat Donald Trump and the Republicans in November.
So while the corporate media will continue to dismiss Bernie and this movement, we’ll continue talking to voters in every state about Bernie’s message, and continue building this political revolution.
Sign up to volunteer for Bernie today by searching volunteer events and offices here.