Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionCONTACT:
The following statement was released in response to reports that President Trump, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Schumer are negotiating for an additional emergency relief package.
“Our communities are facing a public health crisis, an economic crisis, and a crisis in democracy of historic proportions. We are deeply alarmed by today’s reports that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are acquiescing to severely inadequate half measures.
“To be clear, it is the White House and Senator McConnell who are trying to force a business-only measure that completely ignores the needs of American families. But that is sadly expected. We need more from Democratic leaders. We call on Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer to use the profound power they hold in this moment to provide solutions that will save lives and help families survive this crisis.
“Congress must immediately pass an emergency relief bill that is significantly larger than the last, and it must focus on the immediate needs of the American people.
“We call for a new relief package that provides immediate and sustained economic relief for the duration of this crisis to the millions of people who have been thrown out of work or are unable to make ends meet. It must prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all essential workers in our health care, food, sanitation, and other critical industries. It must provide access to quality health care for everyone who needs it and ensure child care and expanded safety net supports are available to everyone who needs them. It must take bold steps to address the ways communities of color — especially Black and immigrant communities — are being disproportionately impacted by this crisis. And it must ensure states have the resources to carry out safe and accessible elections.
“We are faced with a catastrophe of incompetence and immorality from the White House and Republican leaders, who threaten to both make the crisis worse and take advantage of the moment to further their right-wing agenda. In this moment, we need Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer to push President Trump and Sen. McConnell to enact a bill that brings real and rapid help to the people who need it most. They must also step up as leaders in building equitable solutions to promote sustainable economic and health care systems that the American people deserve and which can prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again. The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing crippling deficiencies within our health, safety, and financial systems. Our millions of members know that we can pull through this crisis by pulling together. They expect Democrats to fight alongside them.”
Signed by:
Indivisible Project
Community Change Action
The Indivisible Project is a registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit. Our mission is to cultivate and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies. Across the nation, thousands of local groups are using the Indivisible Guide to hold their members of Congress accountable.
MoveOn members live in every congressional district in the country and come from all walks of life. We organize together to advance a vision of a world with a place of honor and dignity for everyone — where all are welcome, where we take care of each other, and where everyone is set up to thrive. Learn more by following @MoveOn or visiting
Community Change Action’s mission is to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better. Right now, we’re empowering the people most affected by injustice to lead movements to improve the policies that affect their lives. Our focus areas include economic justice, immigrant rights, affordable housing, and race and gender justice.