Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionIn endorsement, members praise Gilchrist’s record of making government and elections accessible and engaging to constituents.
DETROIT — Detroit members of Political Action have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Garlin Gilchrist II in the race for the city’s City Clerk, with 62% of votes cast in favor of backing Gilchrist. In the endorsement vote, members praised Gilchrist’s progressive record of making government accessible and engaging to constituents.
“Garlin is running to bring real and much needed change to the Detroit City Clerk’s office,” said Matt Blizek, elections mobilization director for “As the city of Detroit’s Director of Innovation & Emerging Technology, he’s modernized city systems and made public records more accessible to citizens. He’s also got a proven history of empowering citizens to make change, working on the Obama presidential campaigns and with the MoveOn community.”
“I’m thrilled to have the support of MoveOn members in Detroit,” said Gilchrist. “Their passion, activism, and commitment to making democracy work for every Detroiter inspires me to empower and inform our neighbors to fully participate in every decision-making process in our city.”
MoveOn will mobilize its more than 15,000 members in Detroit to volunteer and vote for Gilchrist.
Here’s what a few MoveOn members in Detroit had to say about Gilchrist:
“I was able to listen to Mr. Gilchrist II at a fundraiser. He appears to be a man of high integrity, passionate about Detroit, technology savvy and very knowledgeable about the responsibilities of the City Clerk’s office to the citizens of Detroit. I had no ideal the City’s Clerk’s office was responsible for more than just the election. He was very refreshing.” –Myra B.
“Gilchrist’s knowledge and heart are unsurpassed in this race. He is the young, inspiring, dedicated type of future leader that Detroit sorely needs.” –Dan A.
“He is a very professional young man with integrity. He wants to make voting easier and more transparent. He has a vision to make Detroit’s office of City Clerk on that the citizens trust.” –Linda J. Political Action represents the collective will of MoveOn’s members at the ballot box by helping to elect progressive candidates.