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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MoveOn Members Rise to Turn Out Millions of Progressive Votes for Obama

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 13, 2012

MoveOn Members Rise to Turn Out Millions of Progressive Votes for Obama

Improved organizing techniques enable 1 canvasser to do the work of 5;
this weekend MoveOn’s Voters Rising program kicks off with hundreds of house parties

MoveOn.org Political Director Adam Ruben to hold press conference call Friday, September 14, 2012 with details on the strategy and this weekend’s actions

Pivoting off of a surge of progressive enthusiasm generated by the GOP and Democratic conventions, MoveOn.org Political Action will kick off its Voters Rising election program with hundreds of house parties to recruit swing-state volunteers this weekend.

According to a new poll from ABC News, the progressive base is increasingly energized in support of President Obama after the conventions. MoveOn’s Voters Rising program will turn this momentum into grassroots action that will employ the people power of MoveOn’s 7 million members to ensure progressives turn out to vote for President Obama and progressive candidates in November.

MoveOn’s partnership with the AFL-CIO Super PAC Workers’ Voice, a centerpiece of the Voters Rising program, brings together both groups’ combined 19 million members, experience, know how and resources including lessons from decades of grassroots organizing, physical infrastructure in key swing states, and expertise at using the Internet to mobilize activists. The program also leverages the expertise of MoveOn’s seasoned organizing staff, with mastery in election, labor, women’s, and LGBT issue organizing.

MoveOn.org Political Director Adam Ruben will preview this weekend’s events and the organization’s fall strategy in a news conference call this Friday, September 14, 2012. Details for the call follow.

Our members have responded loudly asking us to channel our efforts toward delivering votes for President Obama and progressive candidates,” said MoveOn.org Political Director Adam Ruben. “In 2006, MoveOn pioneered the use of member-hosted call parties aimed at mobilizing activists in swing states. This weekend, our members will begin to build a MoveOn volunteer army across pivotal states. That combined with our improved organizing techniques which enable each canvasser to do the work of 5 will turn our base’s rising enthusiasm into delivered votes for Obama this November.

In 2008, MoveOn members spent hundreds of thousands of hours volunteering and were instrumental in driving the ground game that elected President Obama. This year, by employing sophisticated organizing techniques, the Voters Rising program will optimize volunteer effectiveness by adjusting targeting in real time. Through Voters Rising, MoveOn will mobilize members online and through more than 200 volunteer Councils across the country to make 1.5 million calls to volunteers.

Through this weekend’s more than 450 call parties, MoveOn members not in swing states, such as members in Texas and California, will make thousands of phone calls to members in key battleground states thereby building a progressive voter contact army in states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, and Nevada.

To view the volunteer sign-up page, click here.

To join the press conference call, please see details below:

WHAT: News teleconference on MoveOn.org’s Voters Rising election program

WHEN: Friday, September 14, 2012 from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern

DIAL-IN INFORMATION: If you’re a member of the press and would like to join the call, click here.


MoveOn.org Political Action is a political action committee powered by 7 million progressive Americans. We fight to give real people a voice in a political process dominated by 1% and corporate interests, and seek to elect progressive leaders to office and advance a progressive agenda. We do not accept donations over $5,000, and 99 percent of donations to MoveOn.org Political Action are smaller than $100.