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Sign this Members Vote to Endorse Democrat Doug Jones for Alabama Special Senate Election
Progressive Organization Calls on Democrats to Follow Jones’ Lead and Vigorously Contest House and Senate Seats in All Parts of the Country
ALABAMA —Alabama members of Political Action voted overwhelmingly in support of Democratic candidate Doug Jones for the state’s special election for its U.S. Senate seat. Jones earned the support of 98% of votes cast by MoveOn’s 43,000 members in Alabama.
In the endorsement vote, members praised Jones’ commitment to quality, affordable health care for all Alabamians, as well as his track record on civil rights and successful prosecution of the two members of the Ku Klux Klan responsible for the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.
The Alabama election will take place December 12, 2017 to choose former Senator Jeff Sessions’ successor for the Senate term through January 2021. Sessions was confirmed by the Senate to serve as U.S. Attorney General on February 8, 2017. Luther Strange, former Alabama Attorney General, serves as the current interim senator. Doug Jones, a former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, won the Democratic primary, while Strange and Roy Moore, a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, advanced to a Republican primary runoff.
Here is what MoveOn members in Alabama had to say about Jones:
“MoveOn members in Alabama have voted to endorse Doug Jones for Senate because of his long record as a champion for Alabama. Unlike his Republican opponents, who have extremist agendas that will take Alabama back in time, Jones has been a long-standing advocate for health care and working families. As U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, he took on white supremacist violence by successfully prosecuting the two members of the Ku Klux Klan responsible for the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing,” explained Matt Blizek, elections mobilization director for “National Democrats should follow Jones’ lead and vigorously contest congressional seats in all parts of the country. MoveOn members in Alabama are fired up to help power Jones to victory this December.” Political Action represents the collective will of MoveOn’s members at the ballot box by helping to elect progressive candidates.
# # # # # Political Action is a community of millions of Americans from all walks of life who are using innovative technology to lift up their voices in our democracy and build progressive power in campaigns for progressive change and in