Jon Stewart Breaks Down Last Week’s Supreme Court Decision In Hilarious Fashion

When ‘Obamacare’ and ‘Romneycare’ are almost exactly the same thing, what happens to Romney’s talking points?
When ‘Obamacare’ and ‘Romneycare’ are almost exactly the same thing, what happens to Romney’s talking points?
This is terrifying. Watch:
Think about this!
And this is what the Supreme Court could do to them in a matter of days.
The Affordable Care Act ruling by the Supreme Court is likely Thursday, and it could take $1.1 billion in refunds out of our pockets as well as remove health care for millions.
And shouldn’t Mitt Romney stand up if Latinos are being discriminated against?
Is she right? We think so.
Are you next?
Is this the kind of nation we want to live in?