You’ll Never Guess What 30,000 MoveOn Members Did After Hurricane Katrina

This is really incredible.
This is really incredible.
Do you recognize any of these?
Can you feel the love?
Republican Senator Inhofe believes global warming is a hoax and it is brought to you by your friends at, among others. Senator Sanders had a few things to tell him at this senate hearing.
Lori Haas’ daughter was in French class at Virginia Tech when she was shot twice in the head. Incredibly, she survived. Lori is working hard to prevent gun violence and she’s making progress. WATCH:
Because, really, what can you say to this? WATCH:
Do you think this rancid sludge (and PR spin) is going to spew itself? WATCH:
Katie Goodman understands that overwhelming feeling when you turn on the news. So she decided to write a song about it.
Goodbye, common sense.
Chances are you could have walked past someone living this nightmare this morning.