What The Internet Is Hiding From You
Short answer: Way more than you think. Former MoveOn director Eli Pariser laid it all out in this eye-opening TED talk, and got a standing ovation for his trouble.
Short answer: Way more than you think. Former MoveOn director Eli Pariser laid it all out in this eye-opening TED talk, and got a standing ovation for his trouble.
Short answer: Way more than you think. MoveOn’s Eli Pariser laid it all out in this eye-opening TED talk, and got a standing ovation for his trouble.
Former MoveOn director Eli Pariser takes on Internet mythology and giants like Google and Facebook. TED Chris Anderson called it “explosive.”
More and more every day, and it’s bad for democracy. That’s what Eli Pariser says in this popular TED talk, which received a standing ovation from the audience.
You’ll never guess which major American corporations are shirking their tax-paying duty while ordinary Americans pay up. Hint: One of them rhymes with “Bexxon.”
Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right? Not so much. Thanks to corporate tax cuts and loopholes, these big companies will be rollin’ in the green instead of paying Uncle Sam.
The undead recently joined the living in continued protests against Gov. Walker and his attempts to strip union members of their collective bargaining rights. On Saturday, April 2, zombies organized on Facebook and marched to the capitol.
You’ll never guess which major American corporations are shirking their tax-paying duty while ordinary Americans pay up. Hint: One of them rhymes with “Bexxon.”
Millions of Americans are filing their taxes, but not these 10 famous tax-dodging companies. Through offshore accounts and tax loopholes, they’re freeloading while we foot the bill. Read the list of shame.
Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right? Not so much. Thanks to corporate tax cuts and loopholes, these big companies will be rollin’ in the green instead of paying Uncle Sam.