You Have Something In Common With Every Person In This Video
We all do.
We all do.
Congressman Chris Gibson (R-NY) claims to represent all of his constituents, even though he keeps voting with the extreme right. Watch a few brave people from his district call him out, big time.
The religious right wanted to infiltrate politics then, too. Watch:
He’d be shocked at what the GOP has become.
General Electric received so many tax breaks last year, it paid no taxes at all. With those savings, it’s planning to create new jobs in . . . you guessed it!
It’s the GOP’s Holy Grail—the ability to willfully ignore the most damning fact and just keep pressing on with the conservative agenda.
It’s all part of Lou’s worst nightmare ever.
Almost fifty years later, we still don’t have it.
JibJab brings some humor to a very serious issue.
What would you do if your job and your family’s well-being were on the line?