The One Reagan Quote That Republicans DON’T Talk About
The one thing Obama and Reagan agree on.
The one thing Obama and Reagan agree on.
The mainstream media would have you believe the occupation is made solely of kids and hippies. Think again.
One of his fellow Marines said it best in a Facebook post: “I didn’t fight for Wall Street. I fought for America.”
We support Occupy Wall Street. Check out this awesome clip to see why you should, too.
Nailed it.
Join the thousands of people heading to Wall Street this coming Wednesday to show them what democracy looks like.
This man sounds absolutely haunted by his life’s work.
On Tuesday, Continental and United Continental airline pilots marched on Wall Street in unison to protest extremely slow contract negotiations despite merger plans going forward between the two airlines.
She just said the best thing. Possibly ever.
Watch her deftly handle a question from Piers Morgan.