Fox News Caught Using Fake Video Of Protests

Did they really mistake Greece for Russia?
Did they really mistake Greece for Russia?
Did you know about this?
We asked, and you voted. Your favorite game-changing progressive moment of 2011 is . . .
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That’s how many young people now have access to medical care that wouldn’t have without the Affordable Care Act.
Barney Frank describes the difference between the two.
In this clip, award-winning journalist Barbara Ehrenreich gets to the root of what it means to be nickel and dimed by the 1%.
It saves lives.
Vote for your favorite game-changing progressive moment by clicking the Facebook “recommend” button below each entry by January 4th. We’ll publish the final tally on January 5th.
Vote for your favorite game-changing progressive moment by clicking the Facebook “recommend” button below each entry by January 4th. We’ll publish the final tally on January 5th.