One Woman’s Powerful Story About What Mitt Romney Would Mean For America

Have you ever been in her shoes?
Have you ever been in her shoes?
Franklin Graham does a lot of scrambling but the hosts just won’t let him off the hook.
So how about we start yelling it from the rooftops instead?
It’s already making a difference in the lives of millions of people.
As the weather warms and more events are happening across the country, here are some great tips to help best capture that next viral clip or photo – while protecting our right to be in the streets.
What it means to take the bible literally, and why Jed Bartlet was such a great ‘president.’
It’s as true today as ever! Spread it around!
Any questions?
No animals were harmed while making this spoof of his recent ad.
Today, an all male ‘witness’ panel was allowed to speak at the GOP’s hearing examining the Obama administration’s new regulation requiring employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to employees. When Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was presented to testify on behalf of the Minority, she was shown the door.