A Powerful, Historic, And Happy Moment For Gay Marriage

The governor of Washington State signs the Marriage Equality Bill into law.
The governor of Washington State signs the Marriage Equality Bill into law.
Perhaps those who disagree with it don’t know what it’s like to be part of the 99%.
You’d probably have the blues, too, after 12 hours in a crate on the car. Share this song of woe!
When even the “liberal” media isn’t being liberal, you know there’s a problem.
Is your name in there?
Still looking for the right e-card for your progressive sweetheart? You’re welcome!
FULL DISCLOSURE: It’s not really Adele singing, but a well-timed voice over. Still, we’d nominate this as share-worthy!
As the GOP tries for force the Keystone bill through this week, consider this:
Governor Christine Gregoire signs the Marriage Equality Bill into law.