The One Graphic That Says It All About Mitt Romney And Barack Obama Is Going Viral

These were the crowds each of them drew in the days leading up to Super Tuesday in their primary races. We rest our case.
These were the crowds each of them drew in the days leading up to Super Tuesday in their primary races. We rest our case.
This was _supposed_ to be his triumphant homecoming.
A group trying to push through a voter suppression, er, ID bill tries to defend its website graphic, to no avail.
Wow! He saw this coming even back then.
Are you there, God? It’s us, America . . .
Powerful clips like this make it very clear that we’re winning on this issue.
Keeping the common man in eternal subjection? Boy, did he call it!
Yeah, this feels about right.
This was in the script that O’Donnell wrote for the ‘Live Debate’ episode of The West Wing in 2005, and it’s so perfect for these times.
He’s just like a real-life Brick Tamland uttering, “I love lamp!”