One Big Reason We Need A 99% Spring

Spring is coming. Let’s get out there and change some worlds!
Spring is coming. Let’s get out there and change some worlds!
And it’s a pretty big thing, too. Watch:
Did they forget this or did they never make the distinction?
Other than the hair, can you tell the difference?
Wow, that must have been pretty scary for the parent!
Print it, send it to your phone, or memorize it. It’s easy!
This weekend, some will set their clocks ahead 1 hour. Others, however . . .
They have a few tried and true approaches. Share this if you’ve seen them use these before!
On Limbaugh’s flagship station, WABC New York, they can’t even give away free ad space now! Listen to the lovely sound of the future Rush Limbaugh radio show:
Do you remember this one?