Bernie Sanders On Why Some Billionaires Are Running For The Border

Oh he’s angry. You should be too.
Oh he’s angry. You should be too.
We admit, it isn’t all Romney’s fault he is so out of touch.
This is why we’re not afraid to put the word ‘care’ in Obamacare.
Watch and find out.
Astoundingly, the wealthiest nation has 16,400,000 children living in poverty.
Because let’s face it, if you’re not in the 1%, there isn’t a damn thing Romney is going to do for you and your family.
On, sex traffickers sell time with young girls as easily as selling a couch.
Yes, seriously.
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The teen ‘prodigies’ of the GOP talk just like their heroes.
Yes, this is a big effin’ deal.
As usual, facts don’t lie.