Carlin On Conservatives: ‘If You’re Preborn, You’re Fine. If You’re PreSchool, You’re F-cked.’

That lovable character, George Carlin, on conservative hypocrisy.
That lovable character, George Carlin, on conservative hypocrisy.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Sincerely, The People United.
Folks are fed up with the economic sham in America, and they’ve also had enough of the media entity that tries to keep it that way.
Can anyone really say that 99% of America doesn’t work hard and doesn’t deserve to be a little better off?
A beautiful video with a great soundtrack!
Looks like the real Slim Shady is standing up.
We can help the folks at #OccupyOakland and the rest of the #Occupy citizens by taking action today.
The war veteran critically wounded in Oakland has become a rallying point for all #Occupy supporters around the world. Can you help spread this far and wide?