The Advice John Lennon Would Have Given #OccupyWallStreet

We think he’d have put himself right in the trenches . . .
We think he’d have put himself right in the trenches . . .
Can you ‘Imagine’?
This is what happened to folks after they lost their jobs in the last few years. American Jobs Act, anyone?
‘One of the remaining human rights challenges of our times.’
OK, so as the caption under the original video says, “Some segments of this video are played in reverse.” Can you figure out which? :-)
It’s not hard to figure out who is.
The chord struck by Jonah’s video has resonated with a lot of people. Here’s a response from someone who’s been there.
Via Bernie Sanders, in a simple, shareable graphic.
Is this the kind of world we want?
A bill being debated in Congress would give control of the internet to the entertainment industry.