The Easiest Way To Reduce The Deficit By $7 Trillion In 10 Years

Let’s do this!
Let’s do this!
Before you watch the speech, get the facts:
Apparently, even the paltry 13.9% Romney’s been paying is too much for him. See how much he’d reduce his own taxes by with his tax plan . . .
What’s so ‘liberal’ about this?
There’s so much more to come.
Politicians can say what they want, but The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t lie.
Who’s more important to job creation? Someone who’s been labeled as a “job creator” shares his thoughts:
Look at what the internet achieved in 24 hours!
But the next line in the song is, “Whatever you want to do is alright with me.” Know what we want to do?
It’s time for Obama to stand with us on this.